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Incoming Trip: Gdańsk - Sopot - Gdynia

3 Cities in 3 Days / Gdańsk - Sopot - Gdynia - Incoming Trip

3 Cities in 3 Days / Gdańsk - Sopot - Gdynia

Gdańsk is one of the most interesting Polish cities. The rich history, magnificent monuments, beautiful sandy beaches - are extremly attractive. The so-called Tri-City includes the famous seaside resort of Sopot with the longest wooden pier in the country and a large port city of Gdynia. A local point of Hel Peninsula, the historic technical equipment Elblag Canal, and the largest castle in Malbork are brilliant ideas for longer stay in Gdańsk.

Day 1 Gdańsk - walking with history

Walk along the narrow streets of the city center. Go through the Golden Gate, admire the Renaissance houses, the largest brick church in Europe and the famous port crane - Gdansk Crane. At the Church of the Virgin Mary you can find the famous astronomical clock made by Hans Düringer in 1464. On one of the streets you can buy Gold of the North - amber jewelry. You will feel the atmosphere of the city port and trade city. You go to the gate of the shipyard, where Solidarity was born. You'll see how two totalitarian regimes of the last century - nazism and communism have left their mark on this wonderful city. Departure at Westerplatte, where people could hear the first shots of World War II.

Day 2 Sopot - relax in luxury

Before you go to Sopot, we take all music lovers to Oliwa - part of Gdansk. The country's Metropolitan Cathedral is famous for its Festival of Organ Music. After music experience, relaxing walk along Oliwa baroque park. In Sopot you can soak up the sun, lay on the magnificent sandy beach during the day and in the evening - walk along the longest wooden pier. You can eat fresh good fish, in one of the best restaurants of Sopot.

Day 3 of Gdynia - a walk around the harbor

Port is surrounded by picturesque cliffs. You will have the opportunity to visit the Museum Ship "Błyskawica" and the largest sailing ship "Dar Pomorza".

While exploring the cities you may have the opportunity to participate in numerous outdoor events, ie. The Dominican Fair, concerts or theater performances. The Riviera Theatre is one of the best-known and esteemed venues on the theatrical map of Poland.

Local tours:

Ship/Bus or Train-trip to the Hel Peninsula.

Elblag - see the unique technical devices Elblag Canal, one of the biggest tourist attractions.

Visiting the castle of the Teutonic Knights in Malbork, the largest of this type of medieval buildings in Europe.

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